
The entire Tsavo national park stretches over a massive 22000 sqkms making it the largest national park in Kenya. The railway splits the park into two sections Tsavo East (14000sqkms) and Tsavo West (9000sqkms)

Tsavo East located in the southeast of the country is distinguished by Galana River, the impressive yata plateau, the longest lava flow in the world at 300 kilometers and lugard Falls. The eastern side of the park is otherwise recognized by its dry, flat plains. Visitors that venture to Tsavo West will be greeted by the Tsavo River flowing from west to east through the park.it borders the chyulu hills national park as well as mkomazi game reserve in Tanzania. The landscape here is dotted with swampy areas, Lake Jipe and mzima springs


Both Tsavo East and Tsavo West can be reached via road as they lie on the main Nairobi-Mombasa road. Entrance to Tsavo East is through the Manyani, voi, buchuma and sala gates. The mtito, man-eaters and chyulu gates give access to Tsavo West.

Flights to Nairobi are usually available and can use a few hours to drive to the park from Nairobi international airport

Wildlife in Tsavo national park

The wilderness area of Tsavo East and Tsavo West national parks are home to an abundant array of wildlife. The mane less male lions are well known while members of the big five (black rhino, buffalo, elephant and leopard) can also be spotted

It is considered to be one of the world’s most bio-diverse areas, the fauna and flora of Tsavo East are nourished by the Athi and Tsavo rivers that converge into the Galana River. Visitors should therefore keep their eyes peeled for a variety of antelopes and other mammals. More than 500 bird species fill the skies of Tsavo east and west, ostriches, kestrels, buzzards, starlings, weaver birds, kingfishers, hornbills, secretary birds and herons

The most favorable time for optimum game viewing in Tsavo is between June to October and January to February. The average daytime temperature ranges between 27c to 32c. the short rains in November and longer rains in April could make traveling in the park challenging.

A specific tier system describes accommodation for visitors to Tsavo including, luxury economical and premium.

Other safaris available

Mudanda rock

Lugard falls

Aruba dam close to river Voi

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