The millions of wildebeests in the Masai mara national reserve are undoubtedly the main characters in the wild display that is the great migration. The spectacular circular trek from the plains of Serengeti in Tanzania also bustles with other species like grant zebra, Thomson’s, gazelle, Topi, common eland and Masai giraffe. Lions and cheetahs are always in the hot pursuit of the migrating masses, ensuring captivating and enthralling experiences of the struggle between life and death. The other members include buffalo, elephants, rhinos. The sky above the reserve is filled with more than 470 bird species. Close to 60 are raptors like a long crested eagle and the African pygmy falcon among others.

Best time to visit

The great migration hits its peak between June and August during the drier months pleasant temperatures hover in the mid 20c.remember to pack a light jacket as early morning and evening tend to be cooler.

Visitors to the Masai mara national reserve have more than enough establishments to choose from for overnight accommodation. There are various facilities available ranging from high-end to tented lodges. These can be found inside the reserve or in the bordering conservancies

Safaris available

Game drives are the most opted for, a flight of fancy in a hot air balloon over the expanse of the landscapes dotted with a myriad of wildlife is a must. The reserve is the ideal spot for photographic and birdlife safaris and to get aquatinted with the Masai way of life during the cultural experience

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