Akagera national park is located along the Tanzania border in the northeast of Rwanda in the districts of kayonza and Nyagatare. With an area of 1120sqkm set at a relatively low altitude, Akagera national park is the only savannah environment in Rwanda. Of its unique flora and fauna composition, the park is endowed for the big five and wildlife safari tours in Rwanda. The park is fairly small but with a variety of habitats, wildlife along the spectacular scenery.

Wildlife in Akagera.

The park is home to big animals like elephants, hippos, buffaloes, crocodiles, rhinos, lions, antelopes, hyenas, zebras, bohor reedbucks, statungas, elands, oribis, defassa waterbucks, topis, primates like olive baboons and the rare blue monkeys and plenty of birds.

For closer encounters to wildlife in Akagera national park games drives give it all. They are conducted in the morning and evenings when animals are active. Night game drives are arranged for chances on nocturnal species which are hard to find during the daytime and these are conducted between 6 pm to 9 pm. The other activities include bird watching, boat cruises, guided nature walks, sport fishing, and cultural encounters.


Akagera national park is relatively easy to access for tourists due to its location close to Kigali, Rwanda’s capital city and airport city. It’s a 2-hour drive from the airport to Akagera national park.

The dry months are the best ideal months to visit Akagera national park. Game tracks are dry which reduces the risk of getting stuck in muddy trails. Despite the birding tours are best for wet seasons .never the less the park remains open and available throughout the year

Accommodations within the park allow visitors to embrace one of the most remote and beautiful areas in Africa. Kindly get in touch with Shekinah safari tours and Travel for guidance on how best you can be positioned in terms of accommodation in the park.

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